My Wonderful Memories of George Simons

Created by Jamie 4 years ago
I knew George my whole life. I live around the corner from where he lived and saw plenty of him when I was growing up. I remember seeing him a lot when I was out riding my bike up and down the road where we lived and around that area, and I remember him telling me about when he used to ride his bike in Sheffield. I used to ask him loads of questions about his life as a vicar and questions about Christ as my faith began to develop. There were some occasions when I came home from school and was locked out as I had forgotten my keys, I would call in on him. Another fond memory of George was when I was out with my friend Connor. We came across a brand new Christmas tree lying on the ground by the end of the service road and knocked on George's door and asked if he would like it. He was delighted as he didn't have any other decorations. Peace be with you George. Jamie.